Who We Are
GREEN MANTIS, LLC, a "Going Green" consulting firm specializing in marketing of high - technology products and services in America and International markets. Green Mantis markets consulting services, products and research in many markets of Industry wanting and needing to "Go Green".
We aid in saving the world's resources one City, one State, one Country at a time by aiding in the following markets: Maritime, Industrial, Manufacturing, Automatic Car Washes, Environmental, Urban development/redevelopment, Oil Refinery and Enhanced Oil Recovery.
What We Do
We work closely with our clients to fulfill their needs in the most optimal, safe and economic way.
Customer focus is at the core of our business.
We always go the extra mile—and always will.
The integration of our services across the property life cycle enables us to provide a stronger product.
We are an international company operating seamlessly across borders.
We grow intelligently to create long-term opportunities for our employees, clients and communities.
Our Goal
Our goal is to be the trusted "Going Green" firm aiding with proven methods of support for saving the world''s most respected but least protected commodities, "it's Natural Resources".
From converting a delapidated city lot into a beautiful public flower garden, to assisting states and counties with landfill soil remediation, to assisting Tropical countries with there growing waste disposal problems, Green Mantis can and will aid in diminishing environmental issues. Also in providing Substainability Reports that will insure companies reach their projected percentage goals for lowering energy consumption in the years to come.
What We Believe
We believe in the enhancement of human lives through the optimization of natural resources. Our values define who we are, govern our relationships with our colleagues and clients, and influence our decisions.
We make the well-being of our client and their communities our top priority everywhere we work by nurturing a behavioural culture that lives and breathes health, safety and optimization of natural resources.
Our passion is to bring new, innovative and sustainable ideas to the table and we have the insight and commitment to see them through.